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Student Life

Lancaster Student LettingsStudent Life

All-Inclusive Student Accommodation

Finding quality student accommodation in a city with 16,000 students is never easy; but that shouldn’t mean you have to settle for a bad deal. With Lancaster Student Lettings, your rent is all-inclusive, which can make a big difference to your cashflow compared to having to pay regular bills for things like heating and hot water on top of your…
18 October 2021
Student Houses
LancasterLancaster Student LettingsStudent Life

Exploring The Area

Moving into student houses is a big step, with lots of new things to think about, as we talked about in our previous article – making yourself at home. Now that you’ve settled in, it’s time to venture out and explore your local area. You’ll be living here for the best part of a year, so it’s going to be…
20 September 2021
Lancaster Student LettingsStudent Life

Moving Into Student Housing

At last, the big day has arrived. You can finally move out of your parents’ house or out of your first-year student halls and get a place of your own in university accommodation. It’s a big step in your life, and in most cases, it will be the first time you’ve had to fend for yourself away from home. It…
13 September 2021
Lancaster Student LettingsStudent Life

Ten Money-Saving Tips For Students

For the majority of students, going to uni will be the first time they’ve lived away from home and had to manage so much of their own money, bills and student homes. So it’s no surprise that many students struggle. But it doesn’t have to be this way. With the right approach and a few careful choices, you can manage…
25 August 2021
LancasterLancaster Student LettingsStudent Life

Student Societies 101

University is hard work, and so it should be. After all, you’re paying £9,250 per year for the privilege of attending your course, so if you don’t work hard, you’re wasting your money. But all work and no play can make uni a very dull time, and you need to find a balance between the two. That’s where student societies…
14 August 2021